IX Communities Member Testimonials

“TLIX provides a special community for TA leaders. I appreciate the intimate forum that features true transparency and deep insights. Members are open, authentic, and genuinely collaborative. I prioritize my time with TLIX because of the valuable takeaways I receive from each meeting.” 

- Blair, SVP Global Talent Acquisition, Consumer Industry

“Hearing TLIX Talent Acquisition professionals across industries share how they’re tackling the big issues we’re facing has been a huge strategic benefit to me. The honest, constructive, and supportive nature of this group has been incredibly helpful in navigating these unchartered waters.”

- MaryAnne, Head of Talent Acquisition, Financial Services Industry

“The collaboration and transparency amongst the DSIX members have afforded me the opportunity to increase the depth and breadth of my knowledge of several areas in Diversity recruiting. I am energized by the candid exchanges and ideas I leave with after every meeting.”

- Felix, Sr. VP Talent Acquisition, Manufacturing Industry

“There is no such thing as a bachelor’s degree in Diversity Recruitment or generally accepted diversity recruiting principles. Instead, we learn our craft from hands-on recruiting experience, sharing with our peers, and those great recruiters that have come before us.  Prospering in Diversity Recruiting is never done alone, but on the backs of networks, as I have found with DSIX.”

- Jenny, Director Executive Recruiting & Diversity Recruitment, Retail Industry

“ESIX has been a consistently valuable resource for setting strategy, benchmarking, training, and staying on top of the latest developments in search. It’s created a unique community where members collectively support each other as we navigate the complexities and high-pressure environment of Executive Recruiting.”

- Dave, Director Executive Search, Technology Industry

“The foundational essence of ESIX is open communication. The collective knowledge, transparency, camaraderie, and inclusive partnerships fuel this outstanding organization. I am grateful for the forum to learn and share broad-based and focused topics with world-class leading professionals during an ever-evolving journey in recruitment.”

- Carolina, Head of Executive Search, Healthcare Industry