Community Connection

All IX Communities hold a monthly online member meeting during which members are invited to raise topics they would like to discuss with their peers. Discuss topics may address responding to market changes, strategic decisions members are making, issues they're struggling with, or solutions they seek. Depending on the IX Community, member meetings are occasionally extended to discuss specific topics that require more in-depth conversation and/or external input.

We hold a combined IX Live in-room meeting for members twice yearly. In addition, ESIX offers in-room meetings in seven major U.S. cities, London and Singapore, and a frequent leaders-only online discussion.




Sample IX Communities Discussion Topics

  • Operational & strategic workforce planning
  • Return to office approaches (hybrid models, governance structures, etc.)
  • Supply chain impacts on talent/hiring
  • Inflation impact on compensation
  • Predictive tools to identify/rank talent at the top of the funnel
  • TA data optimization and scorecarding – KPIs, benchmarking, tips, challenges 
  • Global TA structures, matrixes between global and regional business services, alignment of teams to verticals, business segments, sourcing mix, employment brand/recruiting marketing
  • Recruiting capacity planning & employment rates
  • Tools; build-borrow-buy best practices
  • TA impact of U.S. Supreme Court Affirmative Action Ruling
  • Declines in candidate demographics self-identification and mitigation strategies
  • Skills-based planning and talent intelligence
  • Tools and techniques for diversity sourcing and outreach management 
  • Methods for assessing – and the importance of inspecting – each stage of the diversity recruiting funnel
  • What’s New in talent technology, incl. AI, plus skills & internal talent platforms
  • Board room data as a research tool
  • Search firm off-limits terms – has their time passed?
  • How Best to Use ‘External Succession Planning’/pipelining research
  • Navigating the assessment tools ecosystem
  • Highlights & lessons: Recruiting Underrepresented Leaders Survey
  • Social media checks as part of a comprehensive screening process
  • What and how do your diversity recruiting teams measure?
  • How to avoid having hiring teams look to diversity recruiting to solve their issues