ExecSmart helps you select the right search firm

Our proprietary global database

ExecSmart is our proprietary global database of executive search consultants housed on a secure website. Information about executive search consultants is based on more than 25 years of research that includes input from hundreds of corporate users. The database also includes guidelines for engaging executive search agencies and consultants. 

When searching for new senior-level candidates and considering the use of an executive search firm, the abundance of options can be overwhelming. As of the end of 2023, there are 5,630 Executive Search Recruitment businesses in the U.S. All claim extensive industry experience, making it challenging to determine their quality until they start the search.

ExecSmart leverages the independent recommendations of talent leaders across the Global Fortune 2000 who have firsthand experience partnering with search consultants.

ExecSmart Guide

To assess the expertise of a firm, you should consider the following:

Review their individual track record on relevant projects.

Assess their understanding of your industry and position through conversation.

Evaluate their ability to provide practical advice on how to approach potential candidates.

Complete the form below to receive our free guide on selecting an executive search firm and executive search consultant.

ExecSmart Free Guide

ExecSmart Database

ExecSmart is the only independent source of executive search and research consultant recommendations. 

Save money and time finding retained executive search consultants recommended by our corporate members over the past two decades.

Trust in your peer's recommendations.

Access to the database provides access to as many consultant recommendations as needed.

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