ESIX Executive Recruiting Mentorship Programs

Members of ESIX executive recruiting teams are invited to participate in a variety of mentorship and collaboration programs.

Recruiter Peer Mentorship Program

Individual contributors in the ESIX Recruiter Peer Mentor Program come together as a collective group to share advice, discuss issues, and hear about best practices. Sample topics have included ‘how to handle challenging clients’ or ‘how to effectively partner with your executive recruiting researcher.'

Peer Connect

The ESIX Peer Connect program connects individual contributor executive recruiters with others in their time zone for one-on-one online conversations and networking. Discussions are spent learning about each other’s career paths, what they are focused on currently, how they each approach their work, and lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Research Roundtable

In addition to these mentorship programs, membership also includes access to our ESIX Research Roundtable. Here, members of executive recruiting research teams come together to learn from each other, gather advice on challenging searches, and share the latest developments in talent research.